A Brain that Keeps on Teaching: H.M.’s Story

If you’ve ever dabbled in neuroscience (or work at a neuroscience-based company, like I do) you may have come across the story of “H.M.” H.M. was a man who had brain surgery in the 1950s to stop severe seizures. The surgeon ended up removing large pieces of H.M.’s brain. The result: far fewer seizures, and…

Dr. Michael Merzenich Wins the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience

Posit Science’s very own Dr. Michael Merzenich has been awarded the 2016 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience for his work in discovering adult brain plasticity and applying its principles to improve the human condition! The Kavli Prize––a partnership between The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Kavli Foundation, and The Norwegian Ministry of Education and…

TED Talk: Daniel Kish on Learning to "See" Using Echolocation

When you hear the word “echolocation” you probably think of bats. After all, we use the phrase “blind as a bat” and we know that bats use echolocation–bouncing sounds off of hard surfaces–to navigate their space effectively, despite poor eyesight. But did you know that humans are capable of this too? Daniel Kish, who became…

Video: Michael Merzenich in Conversation with the Dalai Lama

Of all the neuroscientists in the world, who had the honor of sharing the stage with the Dalai Lama last week? Our co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Michael Merzenich, was chosen for a very special on-stage discussion with His Holiness that took place this past weekend week at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. The symposium, titled “Neuroplasticity and Healing,” centered on the topic…

Daniel Wolpert Asks & Answers: "Why Do We Have Brains?"

With all of the complex brain science findings out there, I really enjoyed this TED talk from neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert that goes back to one of the most fundamental questions about brains: why do we have them at all? Wolpert argues that the only reason we evolved our brains is because we had to move,…

Convergence = Computer Science + Entertainment + Brain Science

There are three trends driving convergence of entertainment of computer science and entertainment. The first is the customers’ expectation is that content will follow the customer across multiple devices. The second is creators, the people and companies who produce the content, are becoming a much broader group. And the third is the canvas, as the underlying technology being used for the creation of the entertainment experience, is broadening the interactions consumers can have with content.