Brain Videos Archives - BrainHQ from Posit Science Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:54:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Brain TedTalks Fri, 01 Mar 2019 01:07:26 +0000 For the past 25 years or so, TED Talks have been a great source of accessible information about cutting-edge research on the brain and its development over a lifespan. We’ve featured several on our blog and in other communications. Here, we’ve gathered a few of our favorites together so you can find them all in…

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TED Talk: Daniel Kish on Learning to "See" Using Echolocation Wed, 03 Jun 2015 15:34:06 +0000 When you hear the word “echolocation” you probably think of bats. After all, we use the phrase “blind as a bat” and we know that bats use echolocation–bouncing sounds off of hard surfaces–to navigate their space effectively, despite poor eyesight. But did you know that humans are capable of this too? Daniel Kish, who became…

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Video: How Fast and Slow Thinking Trick Your Brain Wed, 12 Nov 2014 23:23:09 +0000 By now, you probably know that it’s not too difficult to trick the brain, but do you know why your brain falls for illusions? In this great ASAP Science video, we learn about fast and slow thinking, and how these 2 different brain systems affect our perception and let our brains be fooled. (If you want to…

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Video: Michael Merzenich in Conversation with the Dalai Lama Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:54:13 +0000 Of all the neuroscientists in the world, who had the honor of sharing the stage with the Dalai Lama last week? Our co-founder and chief scientist, Dr. Michael Merzenich, was chosen for a very special on-stage discussion with His Holiness that took place this past weekend week at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. The symposium, titled “Neuroplasticity and Healing,” centered on the topic…

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Video: This is Your Brain on Coffee! Thu, 28 Aug 2014 18:50:48 +0000 Here is another fun video from the creative minds at ASAP Science – about your brain on coffee. Watch it to find out why caffeine wakes you up, why you feel bad when you try to quit drinking it, and what changes occur in your brain when you drink coffee. Do you love coffee? The good…

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Video: This Is your Brain on Sugar Thu, 09 Jan 2014 13:23:31 +0000 You’ve probably seen headlines about how “cheesecake is like cocaine for the brain” and may have noted the growing trend of carbohydrate- and sugar-free diets (like the Atkins or Paleo diets.) This is a great 5-minute TED-Ed video from neuroscientist Nicole Avena that wades through the hype to illustrate how sugar actually affects your brain,…

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Video: Learn About the Biology of Aging in 3 Enjoyable Minutes Mon, 15 Jul 2013 15:50:34 +0000 I always enjoy the fun, approachable, fast-paced science videos from ASAP Science. Here, the team presents a quick primer on the biology of aging. In just three minutes, you can learn why you can blame your father for a shorter life span, why some worms are virtually immortal, and what a telomere is. Enjoy!

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TED Talk: Read Montague on What He’s Learning from 5,000 Brains Mon, 13 May 2013 10:09:52 +0000 I really enjoyed this TED talk from Dr. Read Montague, a scientist who is heading the Roanoke Brain Study. The project’s goal is to take MRI images of 5,000 people of all ages over a period of many years, to learn more about how the brain works and how we interact with one another. Enjoy!

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Daniel Wolpert Asks & Answers: "Why Do We Have Brains?" Fri, 09 Dec 2011 15:55:10 +0000 With all of the complex brain science findings out there, I really enjoyed this TED talk from neuroscientist Daniel Wolpert that goes back to one of the most fundamental questions about brains: why do we have them at all? Wolpert argues that the only reason we evolved our brains is because we had to move,…

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Ron Gutman: Tap Into your "Superpower" – Smile! Thu, 21 Jul 2011 11:30:14 +0000 With all the bad news in the world, this is a terrifically enthusiastic and uplifting talk about research on the positive effects of smiling. Ron Gutman talks about how smiling is a “superpower” and discusses a body of work including some very interesting research. In one example, he notes that based on the smiles in…

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